Investment Advisory
We strongly believe that Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and passive asset class investing is the best way for us to develop prudent, long-term portfolios for our clients. The roots of passive asset class investing lie in the principles of MPT. The world's leading financial economists, three of whom received a Nobel Prize for their contributions, conducted on-going research resulting in the formation of MPT. Our firm has access to no-load, institutional passive asset class mutual funds that provide what we believe are the best building blocks to meet our objectives of implementing MPT. Each fund captures the return behavior of an entire asset class, allowing us to accurately diversify clients' investments across multiple asset classes-incorporating the expected level of risk with which each investor is comfortable. Other advantages to this approach include significant reductions in portfolio volatility, lower costs and greater tax efficiency.

Our team offers the followings services to our clients:

  • Design your investment policy statement including appropriate investment objectives.

  • Construct a diversified passively managed portfolio designed to acheive market returns while simultaneously reducing portfolio volatility.

  • Provide access to no-load, institutional passive asset class mutual funds that provide what we believe are the essential building blocks to implement MPT.

  • Provide ongoing investment education to enable the trustees to better serve their role and "stay the course" as they implement their investment strategy.

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